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Tips For Sensitive Dog Stomachs

One of the most common problems that pet owners face is a dog with a sensitive stomach. While there can be many causes, the good news is that there are some simple steps you can take to help your dog’s tummy troubles. Here are five tips for helping dogs with sensitive stomachs:

1. Monitor Food Intake and Avoid Foods That Trigger: Keeping careful track of what and how much food your pup eats each day can help identify any potential triggers for digestive issues. If your pup has a history of upset stomach, avoid foods that have been known to cause unpleasant symptoms such as highly processed foods.

2. Check Your Sources of Protein: Since proteins are important components in a balanced diet, it’s best to see what the ingredients are in the dog food you buy. This could will help figure out which proteins tend to agree with the dog's tummy and which do not.

3. Introduce New Foods/Treats Slowly: When introducing new foods into your dog's diet, do it slowly and with a moderate amount so any reactions can be monitored closely.

4. Provide Proper Hydration: Proper hydration is essential for keeping dogs healthy and happy! Make sure your pup has access to fresh clean water at all times throughout the day and encourage them to drink often as dehydration can lead to further health complications down the road. A few extra cups per day may make all the difference when it comes to fussy stomachs! 5. Feed Nutritious Treats: An occasional treat or two won’t hurt so long as they contain quality ingredients that provide adequate nutrition without causing any discomfort afterward! Delightfully Delicious Dog treats may be an ideal solution due to their natural ingredients including oats, apples, and pumpkin which offer fiber for digestion support along with antioxidants for overall well-being benefits, not to mention they taste great too!

As always be sure to seek out your veterinarian if symptoms do not resolve or seem more serious.


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